The Challenge:
The Executive Assistant for a political figure was rushed off her feet and so stressed that her mind would sometimes “blank out”. Her family complained about her long working hours, and she worried that her physical and mental health was suffering. But worst of all her Boss, whom she respected and admired, was getting impatient with her “mistakes” and inability to “adapt” to the busy post-pandemic reality.
“I need help to take back control of my agenda! I get so stressed with all the deadlines and our procedures just don’t work! Things keep changing and you never know what’s coming next”.
Our Work:
It’s rare that bosses have the insight to offer coaching to their assistants. But a common mistake we see Senior Leaders make is to under-estimate the critical importance of the Leader-Assistant Partnership: Assistants control the agenda, have insights about what’s really going on with team and they often have deep understanding of the wants, needs and preferences of key stakeholders.