Rebuilding a fractured team

Unravelled team pulls together after 5 people jump ship.

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The Challenge:

A 15-person team was struggling with cultural and age diversity as well as an undercurrent of long-standing conflict between 2 key individuals that caused tensions, silos and miscommunication. It all came to a head when 25% of the team left in the space of 4 months and HR called in Business4Good to stop the bleed.

Our Work:

You might have already heard that a quote she heard in medical school has guided Madeleine’s work ever since: 

“Treatment without diagnosis is malpractice”.

So, our first step was to understand team dynamics with our tried and tested framework. What we discovered surprised everyone: they were a perfect team with the ideal match of skills, diversity of approach and modes of operation – but miscommunication had spiralled into habitual negative behaviour and belief systems that was causing a toxic environment. Without this diagnosis step, they might have invested in a traditional “team building” exercise and totally missed the root cause of the problem. We came up with the following 4-step solution.

What We Did

What Our Client Said