Chair participatory, engaging meetings that get results and end on time

Practical, Hands-On, Fun

Lead Meetings with Confidence and Skill

Meetings can be dominated by one or two strong personalities or taken off track by lengthy discussions that go nowhere.

Chairing and leading meetings doesn’t come naturally. Luckily it’s a skill everyone can learn. Common chairing challenges include:

  • Interrupt side conversations or lengthy monologues to get back on track
  • Manage your emotions when participants ‘push your buttons’
  • Ensure diversity of thought and reach consensus
  • Cross-Cultural influences and different personality types

These are skills everyone can learn. This engaging masterclass will show you how.

What You’ll Get:

by the end of this training, you’ll be empowered to step into your own personal brand and unique style to Chair and Lead any meeting:

  • Pre-training Health-Check to identify your specific pain points and areas for improvement

  • Own your ‘space’ in the meeting and embody your unique leadership style with confidence and grace

  • Polite and socially acceptable ways to interrupt discussions and monologues – and bring the meeting back on track

  • Facilitation tricks and tips to ensure diversity of thought, rather than the dominant few

  • Step-by-step time management and summarizing/clarifying techniques

  • Learn-by-doing in ‘boot camp’ collaboration sessions where you learn with and from your peers

  • In-Person Training:
    One-Day (9:30-17:00) + Half-Day Q&A Debrief ~30 days later (so you can practice new skills between)

  • Online Training:
    3 Online Sessions (90 minutes each), spaced over a period of 3-4 weeks (to practice new skills between sessions)