All you need for efficient, productive meetings that deliver actionable results

Practical, Hands-On, Fun

Masterful Meetings that Get Results

Professionals in Belgium endure 6 million meetings every day: too many, too long, too much time.

Common problems include:

  • Never-ending discussions, people who talk too much – or not at all
  • Lack of focus and passive attitudes

Learn how to get great meetings, where everyone collaborates to deliver actionable outcomes and follow-through.

What You’ll Get:

By the end of this training, you’ll have everything you need to make your meetings efficient, productive and performant:

  • Pre-training Meeting Health-Check to identify your specific pain points and areas for improvement

  • How to Chair and Facilitate a meeting to keep on track, on time and deliver results

  • Set up your meetings for success and set the momentum in the first 5 minutes

  • Engage participants, achieve diversity of thought and avoid mis-communication

  • Make interventions to share your genius or re-direct the focus of the conversation

  • Learn-by-doing in ‘boot camp’ collaboration sessions where you learn with and from your peers: roll-play, interaction and case-studies

  • In-Person Training:
    One-Day (9:30-17:00) + Half-Day Q&A Debrief ~30 days later (so you can practice new skills between)

  • Online Training:
    3 Online Sessions (90 minutes each), spaced over a period of 3-4 weeks (to practice new skills between sessions)